The Knot: UI Pattern Library

This Pattern Library is a primary byproduct of our move to user-centered product design. An environment of frequent testing and change requires well-defined documentation in order to maintain consistency and increase efficiency in both technology and design across product teams.

Our Purpose & Intent

The Pattern Library is meant to be a living and ever-changing resource, however, additions or modifications to the library must undergo user-testing and validation by the Egg and then review by the umbrella Planning team. This is not meant to restrict, but rather to maintain global oversight and organized growth of the library. Our end goal should always be to provide a consistent, intuitive and wonderful experience for our brides!


We were inspired to do this via all of the current trend of pattern libraries -- most notably, Mailchimp, Yelp and Code for America, to whom we owe thanks, gratitude and beers.

We also have a bunch of links that are interesting and relevant and informative of our process, which we'll update as we go along: